General Information
a Naples, FL residential community
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The Nature of Pine Ridge Estates  read more

Pine Ridge Stormwater Feasibility Study 2017-2018

Waste Management Pickup Days in Pine Ridge: 

Pets (Lost or Found): Domestic Animal Services (DAS) is able to come out and check an animal for a microchip.  Call DAS on 252-7387.  You can also send a "lost" or "found" notice to your Pine Ridge neighbors using &/or email and asap we will 'email blast' all PRCA neighbors who have given us their email addresses.  Please include details:
Lost:  Where and when lost, description or picture, & who to contact if found
Found: Where and when found, description or picture, present location of animal, have you contacted DAS, and is DAS coming to check for chip, plus any other pertinent details.
And don't forget to let us know when animal & owner are successfully reunited!

Florida-Friendly Landscaping - Collier County Guide - read more

Collier County MSTU (Municipal Service Taxing Unit)
For information on Collier County MSTUs, see the Collier County Government website at

Collier County Stormwater Management
For information on how to contact Collier County Stormwater Management, see the Collier County Government website at

Collier County Code Enforcement
For information on Collier County Code Enforcement and how to report a Code Violation, see the Collier County Government website at   Since complaints can no longer be made anonymously, the board of PRCA has agreed that if current (paid) members of PRCA send details of code voilations within Pine Ridge to,  the association (PRCA) will report to Code Enforcement (i.e. individual names not mentioned).

Fire Hazards
Please be sure to protect your home by keeping dry brush away from the house.  If you live near an unkept lot, you should contact code enforcement to see what you can do to further protect your abode.  Vegetation may not exceed 18 inches on any mowable lot.

Motorized Scooters & Golf Carts
The police wish to inform all residents that motorized scooters and golf carts are NOT street legal and should not be used on our roads.

Phase I Water Restrictions - Effective November 18, 2011
(Collier County Government quoted below)
"ODD Numbered Addresses - Irrigation is limited to three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, between 12:01 AM and 8:00 AM for all types of irrigation.  Low volume hand watering is permitted between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM
EVEN Numbered Addresses - Irrigation is limited to three days a week Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, between 12:01 AM and 8:00 AM for all types of irrigation.  Low volume hand watering is permitted between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM"

For more information see the Collier County Government website at